fop 0.95 on slackware64

# slackpkg update

# slackpkg install jdk

# cd /usr/local/src

# wget

# tar zxvf apache-ant-1.6.5-src.tar.gz

# cd apache-ant-1.6.5


# cd ..

# wget

# tar zxvf fop-0.95-src.tar.gz

# cd fop-0.95

# /usr/local/src/apache-ant-1.6.5/dist/bin/ant

now you have a 64 bit fop…or you can download it here:

i have my ant available here:

*both of these are just meant to be unpacked where you want to run them from and require some funky or full paths. feel free to make a real slackware package and i’ll host it, but for now it’s just compiled binaries alongside the source.

**the ant package is not the most current version of ant(1.7.something) because it required JUnit.jar which i dont have or plan on having (not part of the official slackware jdk)

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