zoneminder on slack12.2 with ffmpeg and openjpeg

install slack

get sources for zm (i’m using 1.24.1)

checkout ffmpeg from svn (they might have formal releases after this google summer of code project)

#svn checkout svn:// ffmpeg

get the libopenjpeg (oen jpeg 2000 libraries)

#tar zxvf /open/jpeg.tar.gz

#cd /newly/made/folder


#make install

#make clean

now configure ffmpeg from that dir. i used this:

#./configure –enable-gpl –enable-shared –enable-nonfree –enable-avfilter –enable-libopenjpeg –enable-postproc


#make install

( at this point running #ffmpeg should output sensible info without errors…an #ldconfig may be required)

now for zoneminder. from that source directory

#./configure –with-ffmpeg=/usr/local/ –with-webdir=/var/www/htdocs/ –with-mysql=/usr/ –with-libarch=lib –with-cgidir=/var/www/cgi-bin/ –with-webuser=apache –with-webgroup=apache –enable-debug=no –disable-crashtrace –disable-mmap

if your set up like me this is where you’ll find all of your missing perl modules. run the configure and it will through errors. use cpan to install them until configure stops erroring out. i always start by installing the most current cpan. in general i allow perl to autoresolve dependancies…mostly because it is such a headache to manually track them down

#cpan CPAN

#cpan YAML

#cpan Date::Manip

#cpan LWP::UserAgent

#cpan PHP::Serialization

at this point the configure statement told me i was good to go


#make check

#make install

#make clean

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